The Update #2

Hello everyone and welcome to the second Update. It is almost April now and that means, it is about time to have a look back at March and ask what we have been up to. Or shall I say, what you have been up to? Because more than 40 of you have applied for our upcoming workshop in June. We are thrilled about the turn-out and are looking forward to seeing you all in Leipzig soon.
All successful applicants should have received an email last week asking them to register. There are essentially two ways to register and pay for the workshop. Either (1) become a member for the next year by simply paying your membership fee at our Membership page, or (2) in case you want to register for the workshop but you don’t want to become a member of the society, you can simply choose the option to only pay the workshop fee on the same page. As the registration fee for the workshop is identical to the yearly membership the difference really only is in whether or not you also become a society member and will be added to our mailing list.
Additionally, we have started a process to include more payment options, such as SEPA pay. However, we have no idea whether there is an actual demand for other payment options. If you think so, give us a shout.
Speaking of the workshop, we have just placed the order on the first ever society stickers (see below). These stickers will be part of your registration package when you arrive at the workshop. We can’t wait to see them on people’s computers, notepads and foreheads.

Also, the deadline for our spring issue of Cultured Scene is coming closer at the speed of light. We are in the midst of organising a proper editorial process (give us a shout if you’d like to be an editor for Cultured Scene) and setting up guidelines for upcoming issues. As always, these things turn out to be a lot more complicated than they sound. But, who said it was easy, right?
Finally, a big thank you to everyone who is supporting us, either through a membership or through active participation in the committee and society. We wouldn’t be here without you.
That’s it from us this week. Have a great start into April and hopefully not too many dreadful April Fool’s Day jokes!