6th ESLR Workshop, 2023:

Complex systems consist of multiple individual parts that interact and give rise to emergent phenomena at a large scale. Across many contexts, these interactions are shaped by social networks, individual social learning strategies and complex traditions. What are the key features of social learning in different complex systems from animal societies to digital social networks? How do properties of these systems shape collective decision-making and cultural evolution? Join us to discuss all this and more.
2023 ESLR Summer Workshop will be in Berlin!
This free workshop is an exciting opportunity for early-career researchers interested in social learning and complexity science to get together for three days.
The days will consist of talks, two skills-based workshops as well as a chance for attendees to present posters and talks. There are no pre-requisites in terms of skills or disciplinary background. We encourage early-career researchers at all stages (Doctoral students, Masters students, Post-docs) to register.
In the evenings there will be social events and a chance to enjoy Berlin.
Poster session and presentations
Participants will be invited to apply to present a poster, or a short talk. We are open to abstract submissions on any topic with some relation to social learning, complexity or cultural evolution.
Registration and abstract submission are now closed. We will inform accepted participants as soon as possible.
Keynote speakers

Network science

Interactive Visualisations with R Shiny

Workshop location
All of the workshop events (except for social events) will be held at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development:
Lentzeallee 94, 14195 Berlin, Germany
Practical details
The workshop will be free, however participants need to organise their own travels and accommodation in Berlin.