
ESLR Conference meet-up at CES 2018

Some of you are joining this year’s conference of the Cultural Evolution Society. It has become somewhat of a tradition for the members of our society to meet prior to the conference, to share their latest research, talk about the latest news in the field or simply to catch-up. Join us for a dinner at Casey Moore’s Irish pub at 6PM on Sunday, October 21st, 2018. If you planning to come, please give us an Read more…

WTF?! What is this? The Wikipedia Task Force

The layman Social Learning community needs you! Ever wondered what info students who are newly approaching social learning will find? How Social Learning is portrayed to the public? How correct the knowledge that is most easily reachable by the average web user is? At our recent workshop, the Society decided to get more involved in public outreach. To begin with, we have started improving social learning-related webpages on Wikipedia! To continue with this effort, we Read more…

Current projects at ESLR

The summer is slowly progressing with hot and sunny days (at least in Philadelphia). Friends and colleagues are on annual leave or engaged in fieldwork. Meanwhile, the ESLR committee keeps working on a variety of projects. Here is a list of what is going on: 1. Social Learning WTF At our public outreach activity at our Summer Workshop in Scotland the goal was to improve social learning related pages on Wikipedia. However, we noticed that Read more…

Bank Account and Membership Payments

Society bank account and online membership payments The society has now reached another milestone: we have a bank account. You would not believe how tricky it was to open an account for our not-for-profit organisation with an international committee. Many months later, we can now call an account at the Royal Bank of Scotland our own. Previously, we had to rely on a university bank account. Now, we have a lot more financial freedom and Read more…

Issue 3, July 2018

Entire issue Download PDF Articles Hello Again Editorial Page Marco Smolla Download PDF What’s New? Society News Download PDF 2nd Annual ESLR Summer Workshop Society News Download PDF Big questions of social learning Summer Workshop Marina Bazhydai Download PDF Machine learning culture and the value of old souls Summer Workshop Dominik Deffner Download PDF 4th Culture Conference held in July at the University of Stirling News Eva Reindl Download PDF What came first, the secular Read more…

Issue 2, March 2018

Entire issue Download PDF Articles Ready, Steady, Spring Editorial Page Marco Smolla Download PDF Cultured Scene Our All New Magazine Society News Download PDF Summer Workshop 2018 Society News Download PDF Early-career but not young? Society News Download PDF Pulling Strings and the State of Bumblebee Culture Interview Sylvain Alem Download PDF Clean Eating Gorillas Get There On Their Own Pitch to Publication Damien Neadle Download PDF Moving Forwards by Tweaks and Bounds Pitch to Read more…

Coming Soon – Our All New Society Journal Cultured Scene

We are hard at work putting together a new issue of Cultured Scene. The inaugural issue came out over a year ago (and can be found here). We hope Cultured Scene will be an interesting read for early-career researchers from a range of disciplines. Our goal for future editions is to focus on highlighting interesting new work in the field of social learning and cultural evolution, through interviews with researchers themselves. We will also feature Read more…

Process and pattern in innovations from cells to societies – Theme Issue

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B has published a theme issue with the title Process and pattern in innovations from cells to societies (see a list of papers below). The published articles approach innovation both with theoretical and conceptual, but also with experimental methods. What makes an innovation, who innovates, and when do innovations occur? This issue addresses many questions that were also raised at this year’s Culture Conference. Article list: Innovation: an emerging focus from Read more…