
Winter Symposium in Manchester

We are excited to announce that in January 2017, we plan to hold our first WINTER SYMPOSIUM! If you are an early career researcher and your research broadly falls under social learning and cultural evolution, then this will be a great opportunity to see what others in related fields are doing, and to help us in our aim of continuing to build a network of young social learning researchers. The meeting will be a full Read more…

First Message to the YSLR Mailing List

We are online! Let me give you a warm hello and welcome to our brand new YSLR website AND this great new mailing list. Feel free to share the link to the website with everyone who could be interested. The more, the merrier. Communication At our first meeting we discussed different ways to communicate and keep in touch. A mailing list appeared to be the simplest and most democratic way to interact. And so here it is. If you have Read more…

Next: The YSLR Symposium

The next big event for us is going to be a self organised symposium. The idea is to mix formal talks with informal discussions. You have comments, ideas, wishes? Use the comments section below to share it with us. Here are some things we need to consider: When and where shall we have the symposium? Where can we get funding? What should the theme be? What would you like to get out of it?

network. socialise. exchange.

If your research broadly falls into social learning and cultural evolution, we welcome you to join us. We are early career researchers (Masters, PhDs, Post-Docs) with a diverse background spanning from archeology, biology and physics to psychology and philosophy. Our aim is to get to know each other and to get in touch with our individual projects, give feedback and insight but also facilitate future cooperations (you would be surprised how many people work on Read more…


In a world, where communication happens more and more online it is almost a prerequisite to have an online representation. Here is ours! Thanks to the support of JohnWatt Hosting we now have a website as well as a mailing list, which we will activate soon. Research in social learning, traditions, and cultural evolution is rapidly increasing. It is a hot topic. We look forward to debates and discussions on your projects, your views on the Read more…

The First Meeting of the Young Social Learning Researchers

A quick introduction Hi, I’m Marco. I recently started an initiative to connect young researchers (Masters, PhDs, Post-Docs) from diverse backgrounds (spanning from archaeology, biology and physics to psychology and philosophy), whose work broadly falls into social learning and cultural evolution. The aim of this initiative is to initiate a first contact between researchers and to get in touch with each others projects, but also facilitate future cooperation (you would be surprised how many people work on similar projects). Read more…