This page contains lists of useful resources, scientific societies and conferences on social learning and cultural evolution and on good scientific practice in general.
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Fellowship scheme for non-British citizens with no previous academic link to the UK, to work at a UK institution. For applicants with up to 7 years of postdoctoral experience (PhD must have been awarded by the time the fellowship starts).
Fellowship scheme for British and EEA citizens, to work at a UK institution. Directed at researchers up to 3 years from PhD completion (PhD must have been awarded by the time the application is evaluated).
Large grant aimed at relieving researchers of administrative and teaching duties for up to 3 years, and at covering travelling and public engagement costs during the same period. For ECR researchers who hold a permanent post at a UK institution.
Sponsorship for cognitive science projects from multiple research angles including evolutionary anthropology and psychology). 1-year fellowships for ECRs to establish a research team in France (English website).
Fellowship for researchers who have not yet held a permanent position. Aimed at UK degree-holders or holders of an academic position in the UK at the time of application, to work in the UK. 3-year length, but can be flexible to accommodate health, disability and parental needs.
Fellowship scheme for Europe-based researchers wanting to establish projects outside the EU, and for any researcher wanting to work in the EU. Good for researchers who have taken a career break or who wish to return to Europe.
Resource page by the Society for the Study of Evolution, dedicated to transitioning to the job market outside academia. Includes a database of ‘mentors’ to be contacted.